time-resolved spectrum

英 [taɪm rɪˈzɒlvd ˈspektrəm] 美 [taɪm rɪˈzɑːlvd ˈspektrəm]

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  1. Finally, three functions are realized, they are the measurements of fluorescence lifetime, time-resolved spectrum and concentration of the detected solutions.
  2. Time-resolved spectrum analyses of laser induced Si-plasma emission
  3. The sequential controller, which has four operation modes such as single selection, odd number, even number, and all selection, can be used for single pulse CARS test, realizing time-resolved spectrum, reducing noise and improving signal-to-noise ratio of CARS system.
  4. The method for measuring time-resolved spectrum ( TRS) features parallel measurement in time scale but serial measurement in wavelength scale. Time-resolved spectrum ( TRS) and integrated emission spectrum of Tb3+ in swatch Tb ( o-BBA) 3phen were measured using this method.
  5. By the time-resolved spectrum of the decay process of shallow-trapped electrons, the time characteristics of the decay processes of shallow-trapped electrons and the depths of different shallow traps have been studied.
  6. In this method of measuring temperature, when the measuring results of time-resolved spectrum have been completed, computing the fit spectrum of corresponding Planck bold-radiation with least duple multiply theory, the temperature is measured.
  7. The Study of Eu ( TTA)_3 and Eu ( DB)_3 Luminescence in Microenvironments by Time-resolved Fluorescence Spectrum
  8. OMA Time-resolved Spectrum Analysis
  9. A New Measurement Method of Time-Resolved Spectrum
  10. By microwave absorption and phase-sensitive measure technique, the decay behaviors of photoelectrons in the sulfur-sensitized silver halide emulsion have been measured, and the time-resolved spectrum of free-electrons and shallow-trapped electrons have been obtained.
  11. A Study of the Time Broadening Effects in Time-Resolved Fluorescence Spectrum Measurement
  12. Compared with the real time-resolved spectrum ( TRS). It was validated to be feasible, credible and convenient. The 3D spectra of fluorescence intensity-wavelength-time, and the integrated spectrum of the swatch Tb ( o-BBA) 3phen are given.
  13. Luminescence Kinetics of Eu~ ( 3+) Complexes with Time-Resolved Spectrum Two Novel Time Resolved Spectrometry Systems
  14. Measurement of Photoelectron Decay Time-resolved Spectrum of AgX: I Crystals
  15. Studies Organic Polymeric Materials DSB& TSB of Two-photon Absorption and Time-resolved Fluorescence Spectrum
  16. In this paper, the time-resolved spectrum measurement instrument has been improved and optimized based on what we have done, the real experiments for measuring time-resolved spectrum of Xe flash-lamp and time-resolved spectrum of matter under pulse laser shocking were made.
  17. For investigating thermal character changing of matter with shock compression, we need to measure the time character of radiating spectrum of matter with shock compression and its temperature, that is to measure transient time-resolved spectrum and its temperature.
  18. Effects of Chemical Sensitization on Photoelectron Time-Resolved Spectrum
  19. New records for the luminescence power and energy emission from single events have been created, and the first time-resolved emission spectrum of sonoluminescence has been obtained with a streak camera by the U tube method.
  20. Microwave absorption and film dielectric spectrum detection technology was used to study the influence of complex K_4Ru ( CN)_6 on the photoelectron decay time-resolved spectrum of cubic AgCl crystals illuminated in this paper.
  21. Studying ps Time-Resolved Fluorescence Spectrum with Streak Camera
  22. The multichannel analyzer is used to measure the fluorescence decay curves and the time-resolved spectrum by opening the time windows.
  23. Two elliptical crystal analyzers are symmetrically arranged in the up-and-down direction, the space-resolved spectrum is recorded with a soft X-ray CCD camera in the upper channel, and the time-resolved spectrum is recorded with a soft X-ray streak camera in the lower channel.
  24. A laser diode igniting and temperature measuring system is set up, the time-resolved spectrum of B/ KNO 3 composition induced by laser diode is measured with this system, the signal is collected by fiber.
  25. Pulse radiolysis technique was used to probe the generation of radical cations from carbon disulfide, and characteristic absorbance spectra of the radical cations were obtained by time-resolved transient absorbance spectrum method.
  26. Compared with steady-state fluorescence spectrum analysis, time-resolved fluorescence spectrum of fluorescent substance can reflect more bioinformation, especially dynamic information about the microenvironment changes which happens on the fluorophores or the residues.
  27. Time-resolved spectrum showed that there was no intermediate formed during ortho-substituted cobalt porphyrins reacting with peroxynitrite.
  28. Although there are many experiment methods to study the plasma production dynamics, the method by measuring the time-resolved emission spectrum of the plasma is well known as the most efficient research approach.
  29. The absorption spectrum measurement system, fluorescence measurement system and time-resolved spectrum measurement system were designed and built.
  30. Yellow fluorescent protein probes are more sensitive with the method of time-resolved fluorescence spectrum measurement than that of Steady-state fluorescence measurement.